Damascus, OR: We arrived at Safeway to meet up around 11:30 p.m. There were just three of us that night, including myself, CJ, and another local volunteer. We set out to arrive at the Pioneer Cemetery in Damascus around midnight.
Upon first arrival, we sorted out our equipment, an EMF reader, an EVP recorder, 2 digital cameras, 2 35mm cameras, binocular-camera, night vision lenses and light filters, video, and 2-way radios. We were set! The ground was still soggy from the recent rains, and weather was still slightly misty and cold.
Passing through the entrance, we slowly began to separate - each one of eager to find something unexplainable. Although each one of us had our fair share of "spooky" graveyard moments, with strange shadows, eerie creaking tree branches, and the general feeling of "someone following" us, the night seemed rather uneventful. There were a few spots that seemed to draw us near, but no apparent paranormal activity on that night.
We still have around 50 to 70 pictures to go through from that night, as well as some video to watch. We stayed for about 3 hours, each one of us feeling similar - nothing special or strange was happening in our presence. Around 3 a.m. we decided that we would wrap it up and try again another night.