Most people don't realize how may haunted places there are here in the great state of Oregon. There are literally over 150 places of business reported to be haunted by visitors, caretakers, and patrons, and this is not including private residences that report paranormal activity.
One out of 10 paranormal sounds or sightings are provide true and positive findings. It seems that today, ghosts and paranormal activity are the subject of many conversations, and many people's favorite topic. Ghosts, hauntings, and paranormal activity - I get a lot of questions about all of it. Most people want to know how to go about an investigation of a haunting or report of ghostly activity, but let me tell you - it's not easy. You typically spend a good amount of money, time and energy with few rewards in return. But when you see or hear something that is unexplainable by every definition of modern science or other debunking methods, it is so worth it.
There are a lot of "Do"s and "Don't"s in this field, and although no regulations exist, and there is no experience necessary, there is a certain amount of courage of knowhow that is required, as well as an understanding of what you could be dealing with. It's not just going in and - Wham - ghosts! There are ways of doing things, and things to remember that keep the team safe - and more importantly - maintaining control over reactions, or in other words - Don't freak out.
Some paranormal investigations companies function much in the same way as Ghost P.A.R.T.I. in that we are a team of people from various walks of life that have an interest in and a belief that there is something else in our presence - beyond just ourselves. Ghost hunters and paranormal investigators use each and every outing as a learning or training experience, and exist generally to satisfy personal need, to debunk ghosts and hauntings, or to find or capture proof that something unexplainable exists.
One of the famous "Do"s is to try to talk to a ghost if you encounter one. (Ha Ha Ha!) Well it's true. Ask questions, permission to take pictures, explain what you are doing to try to provoke a response from the possible entity. But again, remember not to freak out! It is an extremely common response, but don't do it anyway! Be nice and compassionate and talk clearly. There are different types of ghosts or entities that you may encounter, but we will discuss those in another post. Most commonly, people experience what is referred to as a "residual" haunting, and are generally considered a safe type of experience. This may include a feeling of presence, sounds of footsteps or voices, and may be heard or seen at specific times.