Monday, May 31, 2010

Unable to find any information on these Ghosts...

As an owner of this Paranormal Investigation Company and Paranormal Investigator its my duty and job to find the answers to the questions being asked about the strange things the team or anyone else has seen or heard, answers to the unexplained.

My team and I did 3 investigations at this small lake in the Mt Hood National Forest named Little Crater Lake and found some very interesting facts about this little lake. Sure if you look on line and type in haunted little crater lake you'll find a few things about this lake like how some have seen kids swimming in the lake and some have heard strange screaming happening at the lakes campgrounds and sightings of a cat that would disappear when they walked up to pet the cat. Well for each investigation we conducted there we saw, heard and witnessed something strange at the lake.

The first investigation we did we investigated the lake for 5 hours and heard some things that really shouldn't be heard by the human ear, meaning we heard some of the scariest screams and sounds that I can bet you 90% of the worlds population has ever heard or ever will hear. Lots to hear and record that night.

The second time we did a 6 hour investigation and took some photos that when I show them to others they can't believe what they are seeing so much to the point that at the end of the showing they no longer see what they were just looking at just minute before, It is so strange to them that they block out the real thing (if you know what I mean) its like what they are seeing is so unbelievable that it not what they were really seeing or looking at. We took photos of this cat that we saw walking on the main trail, it was a normal white fluffy house cat (so we thought) I personally went to go pet this cat and when I got o I would say 2 feet from it, it vanished, Yes thats what I said vanished, right in front of my eyes, I rubbed my eyes and had to take a second look at that point I was telling myself that that just did not happen. I backed up about 10 feet and the cat reappeared so I slowly walked toward the cat once again and when getting 2-3 feet from it, it once again disappeared in front of me. as I was getting up from the kneeling position (from trying to pet the cat) I took out my camera and started walking backwards thinking the cat would reappear like it did before, well low and behold it did so I took a shot with my camera and it came out a man figure walking away form us (the team). In the photo that I took you will notice a demonic face at the lower leg area of this figure, this was the area the cat was when I took the photo. During the same investigation but a couple of hours later we heard what we could only describe as a screaming animal being tortured. across the lake from were we were standing, in one of many pictures that we took we caught a Bigfoot looking creature on the other side of the lake, but this wasn't Bigfoot (it was see-through) it was standing in one spot for about 20-30 seconds then disappeared.

That same night we were doing an EVP session and asked what was ever there to show its self for us. One of my Investigators asked if there was anyone with us at that time could it please touch his shoulder to prove its presents. He focused on saying the word please for some reason saying it before and after asking to show its self to us. Seconds later we all saw this super bright ball of light (or energy) come out of the woods and touch the team member on his right shoulder. A second member asked if this was real then it would be able to touch her hair if asked, so she asked if it could touch her hair and like it was our slave it flew over to her and flew through her hair, at this time I had taken out my camera and I asked if it could touch our voice recorder, less than a second later it flew over the recorder and touched the recorder. This is the same time I took a picture at the recorder and caught this ball of light doing what we were asking of it. It didn't like the flash of the camera apparently, a second later it took off into the same wooded area it came out of. Before this time I have never been able to see a real orb with my naked eye, but this ball of energy was so bright and strong we all (the whole team) saw this it with our naked eyes.

The third night we investigated this lake we decided to do an overnight investigation. We started the investigation at around 630 pm walking into this open area where there was a very large tree that was broke and had fallen, about 1/2 mile from the entrance to the lake itself. We were so successful with our previous EVP sessions we decided to start with talking to what ever was there. before we had even started the EVP we all heard foot steps rustling around near us, asking one of my team members to start taking shots in the area of the sounds he took 4 pictures a second apart from each other and captured 3 spirits on the third photo. The first picture he took we saw nothing in the photo and the same with the second one, but the third one we caught the three spirits like they were posing for us and wanted to be seen, the fourth one taken just 1 second later showed all three not there anymore including a branch that was hang down from the broken tree that one of these spirits was lingering off of. Another spirit was of a bold looking little man type figure just walking around and the third spirit and the most strange is a figure of a 12 -13 year old child that had walk right in front of a large tree stump and clearly wanted us to notice him, clearly we were able to see he was wearing jeans and a white shirt and this boy really wanted to be noticed and we did as clear as day after the pictures were taken. later that night at about 4am we decided to rest at the campsite, so we found an empty site that had a bench and a fire pit so we put our stuff away and sat for a while, I went to gather up some old tree branches and wood so we could start a small fire in the pit. We started a fire and all sat around it talking about what we had seen that night, about 20 minutes into our fire we heard very sharp screeching screaming coming from within the camp fire, (within the flames) so one of my investigators took out her camera an took a picture in the flames and what came out on photo was this fire woman figure on fire fighting with an alien monster looking thing in the flames of this camp fire we were having both screaming like they were being tortured fire demon's (hard to explain)

I have been spending months and months researching why and how these ghosts could possibly be there and the whole team is unable to come up with anything about these things that we saw and heard. We have pictures and EVP of all three investigations and have pictures of all the spirits and demon looking things that we just mentioned. I have been doing this for 10 years and have never come across a place so haunted in my life. and have never come across the most friendly spirits. Ghost Hunters show: you don't even come close. Little Crater Lake is truly the most haunted place I have ever seen or investigated in my life. and Ghost P.A.R.T.I. is the only Investigation company that has permission to legally investigate this area by the National Forest Service. and will again and again.

Sunday, May 23, 2010