Monday, June 9, 2008

Tools of the Trade

there are many tools and equipment that the ghost hunters use during an investigation. All kinds of knick-knack's and toys, well not really toys. Some of this equipment the ghost hunters have can run into thousands of dollars. These include:

You also have to consider that if you have a team - you have multiple tools to hand out. Oh, oh - and SUVs or vans to carry the team!

Author's Thoughts: There are some people that are on Paranormal Investigation Teams that have the gift of being able to "feel" the energy of spirits. Then there are also some of us that just don't have that vibe and need to resort to the equipment and the tools of the trade. I am a Paranormal Investigator, and have been in interest of this field for 20 years. I still do and probably always will use my tools. There are many tools to your disposal, if you need to use them. Till next time . . . PEACE.

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