Sunday, January 17, 2010

Now you see it, before you didn't

How would you like to see a real orb? a strong orb, an orb that does what you ask of it. We set this orb on a 3 task journey, first we asked for if anything is out here with us can it please show itself in any way shape or form (Via an EVP session) we asked if there was anything out there can you please touch my partners shoulders? 2-4 seconds later it did just that. Then we asked if it was possable that it make somthing move in front of the team (EVP session) with 4 investigators there for that session we all witnessed this big ball of energy looking thing float towards our feet and touch another investigators foot. By this time we could see this thing with plain site no tools or equipment. This was also the time when the SP camera was pulled out and a shot was taken at this time (we saw nothing on this pic) we then asked for it to touch the recorder, we all saw this orb float towards the recorder and (we took another pic as it was foating to the recorder) and it touches the recorder and before I could ask it to do something else it floated away real fast (I only wanted it to do three things in the first place, remember) and it was like it knew that or it was late for a hot date, well I don't know, you tell me... For all that read this little diddy... !! SPIRITS AND GHOSTS ARE REAL!!

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