Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Funniest Cemetery Moment

One our funniest moments in a cemetery was also one of our strangest nights yet - but not the paranormal kind of strange, just plain strange!

On our way out, we were pulled over by the police. Just a routine stop, so after showing a license and registration - and a brief explanation of where we were headed (that was an interesting conversation) - and we were on our way.

Upon arriving at the cemetery, we split into two teams of two, Dan and Colleen on one team, and C.J. and Tammy on the other. The cemetery is long and narrow, with an entrance in the center. From there, we split into two different directions.

About a half-hour into the investigation, I heard footsteps behind a row of thick trees, but it was too dark and thick to see in. I knew it was Dan when he asked "Is there anyone there who would like to make themselves known?" At that point, I realized he and Colleen must have been doing EVP work. Hmmm, should I say something? "What's your name?" Dan asked, pausing to allow for an answer. C.J., I thought, but didn't dare say anything. I wasn't sure if everyone else was in the joking mood that I was in. After a few more tempting questions, we popped out of the trees and let them know that there was in fact someone there!

A few more hours into the investigation, there was another "tempting" opportunity - but this time, the whole team wanted in on the fun. We were again on two separate ends of the cemetery, and a group of young people pull up in two cars and immediately head into the entrance of the cemetery - right between our two teams. We decided to move around to the outside of the property, along the fence and out the far end of the cemetery. But each time we moved, they shined flashlights our way, daring each other to walk into the cemetery.

At that point, we realized that any visible move we made would perhaps be interpreted as a "ghost in the cemetery" - which would be hilarious - but not nice, considering they were not part of our team. Instead, we would wait for periods of no light, and continue to round the perimeter until we were nearly out. But just as we were about to round the last set of trees, we see a police car pull up. Considering we had already explained to one officer that we were headed out to spend the night in a haunted cemetery, we decided to stay within the trees. Dan and Colleen had different plans, but while discussing their escape (and laughing about how funny it would be if we had a hat and long coat for Dan to "appear" in) the group ran to their cars and sped away.

The police officer headed out after them, and we used the radios to let each other know to meet back at the car. But on our way back to the car, the police car pulled up to our car, and began writing down our license plate number! He obviously thought we were part of the brave group of youngsters playing dare. We all arrived around the same time, and Tammy immediately said to the officer, "Did you see all of those ghosts that ran out of the cemetery a few minutes ago?" The officer laughed, and then asked what we were doing out so late.

After explaining why we were there, and that we had permission to be there, we all laughed about the situation. The officer then went on to tell us a few of his own late night paranormal experiences, not only from his time with the police department, but from his days one of the colleges in the Portland area. By the way, there are several Portland area colleges that are rumored to be haunted, so we plan a few trips once we have permission, so stay tuned for those in the future!

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